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Heaviest stick insect

정글 대벌레
암컷은 수컷보다 더 덩치가 좋다.
열라면 한봉지가 120그램/ 미니뿌셔 한봉지가 55그램 이니까 대충 상상해봐도 섬찟하다.
The females of the giant jungle nymph (Heteropteryx dilatata) are bulkier than the males. A female specimen was weighed at London Zoo in 1977 at 51.2 g (1.81 oz). The species is native to rainforest in southeast Asia, including Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak on Borneo, Sumatra, Singapore and Thailand.



Heaviest cockroach

날개없이 땅파고 사는 바퀴벌레
비슷한 종의 거의 두배 무게를 가지고 있다.
The rhinoceros cockroach (Macropanesthia rhinoceros) of eastern Queensland, Australia, is wingless and lives in burrows. The heaviest was an adult female weighing 33.45 g (1.18 oz), almost double the normal weight for the species.



Longest insect body

다리가지 뻗으면 56.6센치미터
신생아보다 큰가?
London’s Natural History Museum holds a specimen of Chan’s megastick (Phobaeticus chani) measuring 35.5 cm (14 in) long. With its legs outstretched, it reaches 56.6 cm (22.3 in). The rare species was found in Borneo, Malaysia.


Heaviest beetle


성체 암컷 쥐와 거의 비슷한 무게를 가지고 있다.
곤충중에서 따져도 제일 덩치가 좋다.
A specimen of the full-grown larva of the actaeon beetle (Megasoma actaeon) of the northern regions of South America weighed 228 g (8.04 oz) in 2009. This is almost as heavy as an adult female rat and makes it the heaviest of the non-marine arthropods (excluding crustaceans). In other words, it’s not just the world’s heaviest beetle but the heaviest insect of any kind.


Noisiest butterflies

시끄러운 나비

크래커 버터플라이(뭐라고 불러야하나...부스럭나비라고 해야하나? 아니면 채찍나비?)
30미터밖에서도 들릴정도로 날개짓이 요란하다.
Cracker butterflies (Hamadryas) of Central and South America live up to their name: during their energetic courtships, their forewings collide with a crack that can be heard by humans 30 m (100 ft) away.










*무플보다는 댓글을, 악플보다는 선플을*

카카오 : marupan
인스타 : yclove.kr
맛따라멋따라 : http://www.foodie.kr
렌즈포유 : https://www.lens4u.net
마루판닷컴 : https://www.marupan.com
재미조아? : http://www.jemijoa.com
레클리스소개 : http://www.reckless.kr
연천사랑 : http://www.yclove.kr
일상을프레임에가두다 : https://14128625.tistory.com/
페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004884512715
유튜브'학교말' : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCreDkZ5fZlXJR2TSWm5Jy_w
유튜브'연천사랑TV' : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFtG7X5jZVgM8jNvo1RMDTw

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