1000 books to read before you die

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1000 books to read before you die

마루판닷컴 0 1321 0

Desert Solitaire
-Edward Abbey (1927–1989)

-Edwin A. Abbott (1838–1926)

My Dog Tulip
-J. R. Ackerley (1896–1967)

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
-Douglas Adams (1952–2001)

The Education of Henry Adams
-Henry Adams (1838–1918)

Watership Down
-ichard Adams (1920–2016)

Half of a Yellow Sun
-Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (born 1977)

The Oresteia
-Aeschylus (ca. 524 bc –ca. 456 bc )

Let Us Now Praise Famous Men

-James Agee (1909–1955) and Walker Evans (1903–1975)

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

-Edward Albee (1928–2016)

Little Women

-Louisa May Alcott (1832–1888)

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

-Sherman Alexie (born 1966)

Voices from Chernobyl

'Chronicle of a Nuclear Disaster—and History of the Soul'

-Svetlana Alexievich (born 1948)

The House of the Spirits

'A Hidden History of Love, Passion,and Politics'

-Isabel Allende (born 1942)


'A Modern Fairy Tale'
-David Almond (born 1951)

A Coffin for Dimitrios

'An Intricate Puzzle from a Pioneer of the Modern Suspense Novel'
-Eric Ambler (1909–1998)

Lucky Jim

'A Comic Storm in the Groves of Academe'
-Kingsley Amis (1922–1995)

Fairy Tales

'Once Upon a Time, and Again and Again'
-Hans Christian Andersen (1805–1875)

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

'The Radiant First Chapter of an Incomparable Life'
-Maya Angelou (1928–2014)

The Arabian Nights

'The Enchantment of Storytelling'

The Clouds

'The World’s Oldest Comic'

-Aristophanes (ca. 446 bc –ca. 386 bc )

Nicomachean Ethics

'How Do We Live Well?'
Aristotle (384 bc –322 bc )

Old Herbaceous

'Goodbye, Mr. Chips in a Country House Garden'
Reginald Arkell (1882–1959)

Study Is Hard Work

'How to Learn'
William H. Armstrong (1911–1999)


'An Imperial Space Opera'

Isaac Asimov (1920–1992)

Instead of a Letter

'The Detours of Disappointed Love'
Diana Athill (born 1917)

Cat’s Eye

'Self-Portrait of the Artist in Middle Age'
Margaret Atwood (born 1939)

Aubrey’s Brief Lives

“One of the most enchanting books ever written.”—Ogden Nash
John Aubrey (1626–1697)
Edited by Oliver Lawson Dick


'The Story of a Soul'
Saint Augustine ( ad 354– ad 430)


'An Emperor’s Enduring Wisdom'
Marcus Aurelius ( ad 121– ad 180)

Pride and Prejudice
'In a Class by Itself'

 Jane Austen

Sense and Sensibility
'Two Sisters v. Society'

 Jane Austen 


Mansfield Park
'Money, Manners, and Marriage'

Jane Austen  

'Learning Life’s Lessons'

Jane Austen


Northanger Abbey
'An Austen Curiosity'

Jane Austen


'A Tale of Second Chances'

Jane Austen


Tuck Everlasting

'A Fable of a Girl’s Escape from Forever'
Natalie Babbitt (1932–2016)

The Baburnama

'The First Autobiography in Islamic Literature'
Babur (1483–1530)

The Poetics of Space

'Phenomenology of the Daydream'
Gaston Bachelard (1884–1962)

The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution

'Ideas That Launched a Nation'
Bernard Bailyn (born 1922)


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카카오 : marupan
인스타 : yclove.kr
맛따라멋따라 : http://www.foodie.kr
렌즈포유 : https://www.lens4u.net
마루판닷컴 : https://www.marupan.com
재미조아? : http://www.jemijoa.com
레클리스소개 : http://www.reckless.kr
연천사랑 : http://www.yclove.kr
일상을프레임에가두다 : https://14128625.tistory.com/
페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004884512715
유튜브'학교말' : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCreDkZ5fZlXJR2TSWm5Jy_w
유튜브'연천사랑TV' : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFtG7X5jZVgM8jNvo1RMDTw

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